Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Slay The Sacred Cows

 The Gang That Couldn’t  Shoot Straight To Save Their Lives, aka the EU, has proclaimed upcoming “measures” to deal with sky-high energy prices. The announcement contained zero specifics, in keeping with TGTCSSTSTL standards. Oh, wait.. they announced a summit meeting on a specific date. Good night, and good luck.

What could they do? Here’s a list of sacred cows that they could (but won’t) slay:

1. Abolish the TARGET model for pricing.

2. Suspend and quickly abolish all energy trading on exchanges (they are OBVIOUSLY being manipulated).

3. Abolish all energy wholesalers, permit only one energy provider per country/region who must also be a sole producer and heavily regulate prices/ROEs.

4. Use a Public Utility Commission model for pricing once a quarter, or even less frequently.

5. Use eminent domain and state of emergency statutes to impose the above.

This should do for now…. 


  1. btw, I dunno if you remember our previous discussion on U.S. death rates... anyway, turns out I am not dreaming... something is happening... and it is not just the pandemic.


    1. Very interesting article, thanks! It seems that COVID had a greater negative effect in the US because of its underlying health issues, plus low vaccination uptake.
