Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Must Read By Roubini

 By far the most cogent and well reasoned analysis of the current quandary, plus a scary prediction for stagflation leading to global depression. I hasten to add that Nouriel Roubini was 100% accurate about the Debt/Asset Bubble crash of 2006-08 (I was in good company 😜).


  1. while we are about it... I would say this is part of the problem...

    hope rises... at least we now acknowledge something is wrong... next is to nail down what... then to do something about it.... before we get ourselves all killed...

  2. The writer is 100% in his observation that in America mostly, and maybe a big part of the West, science and rationality are coming under fire. The evidence is everywhere, from loony religious sects, anti-Vader’s and climate change deniers to, yes, even manic markets who believe that the flood of new money and debt is, somehow, unimportant. They all look to me like warning signs of an approaching cataclysmic fin de siecle event.

    The author observes, but proposes no solutions..

    1. you have proof below.... someone must be buying that, else they would not bother

    2. And Putin is more than happy at the results of his disinformation campaigns! The US being mired in partisan gridlock and conspiracy theories.

    3. I was thinking.... you know, life must be hell for the less intelligent... for us, we can sort of feel a scam... and so avoid most; can you imagine blundering into one scam after another? It would feel like living in some form of horror movie, where everyone is out to get you all the time...
